BIG ISSUES with Sean McDowell and Brett Kunkle
Matt interviews Sean McDowell and Brett Kunkle about some of the big issues that youths are dealing with in today’s culture. Screen time, digital media, and how we deal with … Read more
Matt interviews Sean McDowell and Brett Kunkle about some of the big issues that youths are dealing with in today’s culture. Screen time, digital media, and how we deal with … Read more
Matt Burford interviews Travis Coblentz and Joel Schwartz about Christian belief. Travis and Joel are regular contributors on our website, as well as Travis being our Executive Director. Travis and … Read more
November 4th! Come hear and interact with Dr. Tremper Longman III. A world renown Old Testament scholar, Longman will be discussing the role that books like Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes play in the Christian life.
Matt Burford interviews Tim, Simeon, and Jeremiah Castille about competition in a sports context and how it relates to Christianity. Should Christians engage in competitive and even violent sports?
This list is something I\’ve compiled for the Alabama Baptist concerning apologetic resources that are generally accepted in our community and are written from a scholarly perspective. Many of the authors below have actually been used by Tactical Faith in equipping the local churches around Alabama in the past. So, you don\’t have to be Baptist to enjoy and benefit from this list. It\’s a merely apologetic list, and should be enjoyed as such.
Dr. Lydia McGrew talks to our president Matt Burford in this interview about her latest book. Her book, “Undesigned Coincidences” is a great book that merges the devotional life with … Read more
We had the opportunity to help the Alabama State Board of Missions and the Southern Baptist organize a Medical and Dental fair on the campus of 6th Ave. Baptist Church. We were able to help service a need in providing free dental and medical care to inner-city people while also sharing the Christian faith.
Matt Burford interviews Craig Keener about spiritual hermeneutics and what does it mean to have wisdom from an Old Testament perspective.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is … Read more
When: September 2017 Where: Birmingham, AL Partnerships: Evangel Presbyterian Church and Mountain Chapel UMC What I Remember: The second annual “Tactical Faith: Conversations” event centered around Democracy and Islam. … Read more