Tangible Truth: The Shroud of Turin
Doug Powell interviews Dr. Gary Habermas about the Shroud of Turin.
Friends and associates of Tactical Faith.
Doug Powell interviews Dr. Gary Habermas about the Shroud of Turin.
Archaeology is not quite like Indiana Jones. It’s actually better! Many times archaeology clarifies the text of the Bible and helps us investigate the stories in our ancient and texts. … Read more
HISTORY AFFIRMS A KEY EVENT IN THE CHRISTMAS STORY Luke’s Gospel is a great wealth of historical information. In his opening words, he states: Inasmuch as many have taken in … Read more
\”And let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works, not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near.\”
Hebrews 10:24-25
Cathryn Buse joins us to talk about Apologetics, what it’s like working for NASA, and high level security secrets. Cathryn has been a guest blogger for us, as well as … Read more
What is Race, White Fragility, Ethnicity, and Christianity have to do with each other. Matt Burford, Drs. Neil Shenvi, Calvin Bell, Keelan Adams, & Tameka Moment are gathered together in … Read more
What are our parameters for the Old Testament and how the context of Job speaks to us today? How much do books like Job speak to us as Christians in our modern Context? Listen as guests Dr. Roy E Ciampa and Dr. Will Kynes discuss these questions with Matthew Burford.
Finances are tool that God uses to allocate money efficiently across industries, across geography, and across time. Do we have freedom to do what God wants us to do in … Read more
Matt Burford has a discussion with Doug Powell on the nativity and if the manger is a myth. Join us as we dig into a Christmas tradition as old as … Read more
Let\’s celebrate Reformation Day as we interview Dr. Joel Busby about the reformation and the way we think about the life of the mind. Matt Burford leads the discussion and we invite ya\’ll to join us and listen.