Articles, Interviews and Events

“Enemies” By Dennis Delcamp

I suppose we all have them in our lives. I am referring to people who make us cringe at the very thought of them. Oh yes, the reasons vary. Some inspire this response because of their shamelessly poor treatment of others. Some cause us to feel this way because of the deeply held beliefs that are polar opposites to our own. Perhaps they are a little to willing to speak with a cruel sense of disdain about everyone and everything we care for, or they may literally be guilty of violent and abusive acts against us. Regardless of why they cause our blood to boil, our skin to crawl, and our desire to be merciful to evaporate, Jesus has instructions for us.


\”Enemies\” By Dennis Delcamp

I suppose we all have them in our lives. I am referring to people who make us cringe at the very thought of them. Oh yes, the reasons vary. Some inspire this response because of their shamelessly poor treatment of others. Some cause us to feel this way because of the deeply held beliefs that are polar opposites to our own. Perhaps they are a little to willing to speak with a cruel sense of disdain about everyone and everything we care for, or they may literally be guilty of violent and abusive acts against us. Regardless of why they cause our blood to boil, our skin to crawl, and our desire to be merciful to evaporate, Jesus has instructions for us.

Jesus in the Temple

Approaching Truth

Everyone wants to know one thing – “What am I going to do?” That is the burden of life. We have to be guided by some kind of idea about what would be good to do. Do I try to avoid pain? Do I pursue pleasure? Do I have duties? Who knows?

Dr. Tim McGrew

Grassroots Apologetic Day March 16th, 2013 You are invited to join us via live stream to Tactical Faith’s “Grassroots Apologetic Day”. We take one weekend out each year to help … Read more

Southern Baptist Convention

SALT Conference 2013

[Event_Registration_Single event_id=”9″] Speakers Dr. Gary Habermas – “Joy and the Resurrection” Greg Koukl – “Any Old God Won’t Do” Mary Jo Sharp – “Is the Story of Christ a Copy … Read more


  Dr. Gary Habermas  is an American evangelical Christian apologist, historian, and philosopher of religion. He is a prolific author, lecturer, and debater on the topic of the Resurrection of Jesus … Read more

2 Timothy 2:15

15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 16 But avoid worldly and … Read more