
My friend, Phil
Philip is not a part of Tactical Faith, nor is he overwhelmingly interested in apologetics. He is a dear friend, and an occasional participant in the Sunday school class that I teach. I\’ve known Phillip and his family for close to ten years now, and they have continued to be a blessing to me and my family (That is his father and grandparents playing with him in some of these videos).

Salt Conference in Monroe Louisiana
SALT conference in Monroe LA. Listed below is the page of the videos we recorded for the church. Might be a bad hum and we are trying to edit that out, but for now, here are the videos.

Dr. Bob Stewart of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr. Bob Stewart will be doing a Google Hangout with us on the 20th of July to promote apologetics, Jesus Christ and our upcoming Salt Conference. The Hangout will be 11am CST. We will also be recording it and posting the video afterwards on our site.

\”Enemies\” By Dennis Delcamp
I suppose we all have them in our lives. I am referring to people who make us cringe at the very thought of them. Oh yes, the reasons vary. Some inspire this response because of their shamelessly poor treatment of others. Some cause us to feel this way because of the deeply held beliefs that are polar opposites to our own. Perhaps they are a little to willing to speak with a cruel sense of disdain about everyone and everything we care for, or they may literally be guilty of violent and abusive acts against us. Regardless of why they cause our blood to boil, our skin to crawl, and our desire to be merciful to evaporate, Jesus has instructions for us.
“Enemies” By Dennis Delcamp
I suppose we all have them in our lives. I am referring to people who make us cringe at the very thought of them. Oh yes, the reasons vary. Some inspire this response because of their shamelessly poor treatment of others. Some cause us to feel this way because of the deeply held beliefs that are polar opposites to our own. Perhaps they are a little to willing to speak with a cruel sense of disdain about everyone and everything we care for, or they may literally be guilty of violent and abusive acts against us. Regardless of why they cause our blood to boil, our skin to crawl, and our desire to be merciful to evaporate, Jesus has instructions for us.

Approaching Truth
Everyone wants to know one thing – “What am I going to do?” That is the burden of life. We have to be guided by some kind of idea about what would be good to do. Do I try to avoid pain? Do I pursue pleasure? Do I have duties? Who knows?

Annual Apologetics Day (3.16.13)
Our annual Apologetics Day (3/16/13) went very well. Many of our affiliates from around the state of Alabama were able to come and here Dr. Tim McGrew. Our training session lasted through the day, and most of it was videoed and can be found here.