Tactical Faith Podcasts

Neil Shenvi on Critical Theory and Intersectionality
Neil Shenvi joins us on our podcast to talk about Intersectionality, Critical Theory, and Critical Race Theory. How should we think about these theories and can we use them in our biblical worldview? Or should they be categorically rejected. Neil … Read more

Is the Manger a Myth?
Matt Burford has a discussion with Doug Powell on the nativity and if the manger is a myth. Join us as we dig into a Christmas tradition as old as the faith. Doug Powell is a singer, songwriter and accomplished … Read more

Greg Koukl Interview
Get ready for something to chew on. Matt Burford got a chance to catch up with our long time friend and associate Greg Koukl about his 10th anniversary edition of Tactics. Did you know that Greg and his book on … Read more

Rusty blades, pastoral work and the gift of the Christian tradition
Let\’s celebrate Reformation Day as we interview Dr. Joel Busby about the reformation and the way we think about the life of the mind. Matt Burford leads the discussion and we invite ya\’ll to join us and listen.

Brett Kunkle And Maven
We’ve got Matthew Burford and Shannon Poe interviewing Brett Kunkle of Maven Ministries. We talk about world-views and how Christian ideas can turn ideas on their head and give us a new way of seeing things.

Is the Old Testament Relevant Today?
Dr. Tremper Longman is interviewed by Matt and announces Tactical Faith’s partnership with Dr. Longman.

Carl R. Trueman Interview
Join us as we talk to Carl Trueman and discuss Apostasy in the church, both on a popular level and also in our personal journeys with other fellow believers. We love having conversations with people like Dr. Trueman. See and … Read more

Aimee Byrd
Aimee Byrd joins us on our podcast to discuss her upcoming book “Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood” and many others. Aimee is part of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals as well as a regular contributor on the Mortification of … Read more

Gary Habermas Podcast
We’ve got Gary Habermas talking about doubt. We’ve also got an exclusive treat with Gary talking about his friendship with Anthony Flew for the first time on a podcast. This is pure gold, so take a listen with us as … Read more

Dr. Lydia McGrew and Undesigned Coincidences
Dr. Lydia McGrew talks to our president Matt Burford in this interview about her latest book. Her book, “Undesigned Coincidences” is a great book that merges the devotional life with the apologetic life. Let us know what you think.