Worldview Academy

Come hear experts talk about subjects in their fields: from Plato to the relationship of Christianity to social movements, from history to what we can and cannot know about science. Professors and scholars from Samford, the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and from our own organization, Tactical Faith, will offer talks on various topics, with plenty of time for interaction. Come listen and discuss classical texts, theology, philosophy, history, and science, all with a heavy emphasis on the importance of the way we educate ourselves and future generations.

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Tuesday July 16

Dr. Timothy Sutton | The Classical View of Leisure

Dr. Taylor Cyr | St. Augustine’s Christian Philosophy

Wednesday July 17

Dr. Kevin McCain | Uncertainty in Science: Why Its Unavoidable and Why That’s Not Bad

Dr. Jason Wallace | Rousseau and Burke

Thursday July 18

Dr. Dennis Sansom | The Prophet Isaiah’s Theology of History

Dr. Brad Boswell | Reading, and Reading with, Augustine

Friday July 19

Dr. Johnathan Harris | Education as Formation

Dr. Travis Coblentz | Plato’s Meno and Teaching Virtue

Dr. Emily McCarty | The Ring of Gyges

Saturday July 20

Dr. Annie DeVries | Social Identity and Christianity: The Rights Movements of the 19th Century

Dr. Scott Leveille | Trinitarian Epistemology: Why the Doctrine of the Trinity Matters for Knowing Anything

Dr. Matt Burford | Worldview: Origin, Meaning, Morality, Destiny

If you are interested in this then please register in the form below. This form will submit your payment to a PayPal portal where you will complete the purchase.

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