“All earthly cities are vulnerable. Men build them and men destroy them. At the same time there is a City of God which men did not build and cannot destroy and which is everlasting.”
― Malcolm Muggeridge, The End of Christendom
When I started Tactical Faith it was to help churches and Christian institutions in Alabama think clearly and reasonably about Christianity. We are almost twelve years old as an organization and I rejoice with God that he has allowed us to advance in our charge. We have done our mission on volunteer support to this point. Through our financial donors and through the elective work of individuals we have seen apologetics and theology grow in our state. While there are so many things in our world that seem dire, and depressing it is good for us to resume our work in 2023 knowing that God and HIS kingdom is everlasting. Everything in this current world and cosmos is failing into entropy and death, but our work here as ambassadors for Jesus is perpetual/enduring. While we wait for Jesus to come again, we work. While we bide our time for the new heaven and earth we work. While we anticipate the newness of 2023 and try and become resolute about our resolutions we remain strong in Christ knowing that we are walking as broken people in a broken world. We work, we wait, we anticipate as a bride waiting for the bridegroom.

Dr. Matthew Burford is the President of Tactical Faith and is committed to growing the disciplines of apologetics, philosophy, and theology in the local church.