Our annual Apologetics Day (3/16/13) went very well. Many of our affiliates from around the state of Alabama were able to come and here Dr. Tim McGrew. Our training session lasted through the day, and most of it was videoed and can be found here. There were a few hiccups in trying to get the live video feed going but thanks to Scott Smith we were able to get things recorded and streamed most of the event live on the web. One of Tactical Faiths most important goals is to meet and network with more apologetic groups here in Alabama (and beyond). It was great getting to know Tim and meet some of the newer friends of our humble ministry and reconnect with our old friends as well. The teaching that Tim brought was top notch, but the fellowship and camaraderie that we all shared was priceless. As a former lone apologist, it is good to know that you are not alone.