Ancient Art of Facts has a new podcast that is ready to be viewed over at their website.
Doug talks about how a series of events inspired him to write his first historical fiction novel. Dougs been writing on apologetic and theological matters for years, but this will be the first time he’s ventured into these waters. There is so much to unpack concerning the background characters and the very real locations that are discussed in the new book “The Well of Souls”, and that’s what Doug does int his episode. Join us as he discusses the influences on this book.
Want to participate in the story and advance the work of biblical archaeology? Buy direct from White Fire Publishing, and 10% of the profit will be contributed to The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. Their work scanning all known ancient biblical manuscripts for scholars to access online sharpens the accuracy of the Greek New Testament at the core of all translations. Not only that, but CSNTM’s founder, Daniel Wallace, is one of the real-life inspirations for Graham Eliot.