1st Baptist Montgomery
Who We Are!
We are a non-profit group based out of Birmingham, AL, that uses donations to bridge the gap between apologetics/theology training and local churches, primarily in the South. We are located in Birmingham, Alabama. Our current ministry focus keeps us centered on the Birmingham metro area. Read More Here>

A Church That Seeks Truth

Faith in Dialogue: Bridging Truth and Culture.

Paul Kingsnorth Interview Oct 2024

Rod Dreher Interview

Resist the Machine
Paul Kingsnorth in Alabama!
“Having known the fellows at Tactical Faith and worked with them for several years now, I have noticed several things that set them apart from others. They are incredibly good organizers even to the smallest details. Further, they are respected by others, as indicated by the many other ministries that have sought to share and work with them, which has made them very wise. Moreover, what they do is not for show—it is purely for ministry. These things have made me look forward to exciting ministry opportunities with Matt Burford and Shannon Poe, which I recommend wholeheartedly.”

Dr. Gary Habermas
Distinguished Research Prof. & Chair, Philosophy Dept., Liberty University
“Tactical Faith is the rare organization that seeks to benefit everyone in apologetics. They bridge the gap between the good men and women that have worked to make themselves a resource for the body of Christ and the local churches and organizations that benefit from high level teaching. Through grassroots efforts they build relationships based on trust and a shared desire to see the Kingdom expanded through reasonable discourse that allow Tactical Faith to supply the people that fit genuine needs of the audience. They do all this and are great people to boot!”

Jay Watts
Professional Speaker, Activist and Philosopher, Merely Human Ministries
“Tactical Faith is an idea that needs to catch fire across the country. We need one in every state! No egos. No seeking the spotlight. No desire for personal glory. Just kingdom-minded ministry that equips the local church to engage culture with the truth of the Gospel. I look forward to years of fruitful partnership with Tactical Faith.”

Brett Kunkle
Founder and President of Maven Truth Ministries
“Tactical Faith is a helpful apologetics ministry that asks the right questions, and has the intelligence to realize that apologetics has to adjust to cultural shifts if it is to bring God’s Word into meaningful interaction with a lost world. I wish more apologetes would realize that giving the same old pat answers to the same old questions will not convince, convict, and convert a world that is more and more hostile to and cynical about Christianity and thinks there may not be such a thing as THE TRUTH.”

Dr. Ben Witherington, III
Amos Professor of NT for Doctoral Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary
“When I was working with Matthew Burford, I could see his passion, hard work and sensitivity as he poured everything into this project. He is a careful thinker, devoted follower of Christ, and brings together a range of different believers to work together in support of the gospel. He is also a gracious host, and I enjoyed very much my time with him and those who work with him in Tactical Faith.”

Dr. Craig Keener
Professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary
“Having known the fellows at Tactical Faith and worked with “Matt’s work with Tactical Faith is strategically vital for strengthening the local church to face the variety of challenges to the Gospel in our culture. I’m proud to have Matt Burford as a friend and co-worker in the Kingdom of God.”

Greg Koukl
Founder and President of Stand to Reason
“The idea of a ministry designed to equip local churches by connecting them to apologetics resources is an idea whose time has come. I’m so grateful for Matt Burford’s unique vision and hope the Tactical Faith model becomes the norm rather than the exception. After all, the kingdom of God is bigger than Alabama!”

Doug Powell
Founder of Selfless Defense Author, Programmer, Rockstar.
“I’m grateful for the care and concern of Tactical Faith to bring biblical and theological teaching into the local church. I have every reason to hope that these endeavors will serve to advance the kingdom of God in the state of Alabama and beyond.”

Dr. Mark Gignilliat
Associate Professor of Divinity, Beeson School of Divinity